ESP32 setup in Arduino IDE
Step 1:Navigate Arduino -> Preference menu.
Step 2:
Paste the following Url in Additional Board manager URLS, As the below image reference.
Then press the ok button.
Step 3:
After Open Tools menu -> Boards -> Bords Manager, As the below image reference.
You can search the "esp32" keywords and found the eps32 board manager then install the package manager.
Step 4:
After connecting your esp32 device using USB cable and choose your board manager as below reference.
Step 5:
Select the usb port for new connect eps32 device.
Tools -> port -> Select your device
Step 6:
Now create a Hellow_world program.
#include "WiFi.h"
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
Serial.println("Hello World");
Step 7:
While upload your code in esp32, you can keep press boot button in eps32 until completed the uploading.
Step 8:
After completed load open serial monitor
tools -> Serial Monitor
Step 9:
Press the EN button on the ESP32 board. Now successfully run your code as below Hello_world Program.
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