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Showing posts from November, 2019


        An Arduino is a platform to write a program in electronics. It has contained controller, microcontroller, led and sensors, these components communicate with software and hardware to take the action and get the results.  Arduino is an open-source platform so we can customize the device for our needs. Features: * Low-cost price in the market * Code writing is not a difficult one. * It's supported multiple platforms like a window, mac, and Ubuntu          Arduino organizations provide multiple types of boards for user needs. Based on your requirement you can choose the board and explore your knowledge in the hardware. These are the items in markets Arduino Uno, Arduino Due, Arduino Mega, Arduino Yun, Arduino Micro and etc.

ESP32 setup in Arduino IDE

ESP32 setup in Arduino IDE Step 1: Navigate Arduino -> Preference menu. Step 2: Paste the following Url in Additional Board manager URLS, As the below image reference. Then press the ok button. Step 3: After Open Tools menu -> Boards -> Bords Manager, As the below image reference. You can search the "esp32" keywords and found the eps32 board manager then install the package manager. Step 4: After connecting your esp32 device using USB cable and choose your board manager as below reference. Step 5: Select the usb port for new connect eps32 device. Tools -> port -> Select your device Step 6: Now create a Hellow_world program. #include "WiFi.h" void setup() {   // put your setup code here, to run once:   Serial.begin(115200); } void loop() {   // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:   Serial.println("Hello World");   delay(2000); } Step 7: While upload your code in esp32, you can keep...