Consider angular 1 is a great feature for two-way data binding system. It's very helpful to access a variable in a directive and modifying value shows the user view or web view.
In this feature is not available in angular > 2.0 greater than version because of here not in a use of the directive structure. So In this feature will implement angular 2 means, we require to know the event and properties binding details.
The above line of code is firstName value is to bind ngModel of an input element.
<input type="text" name="firstname" [ngModel] = "firstName" (onClick)="changeValue()">
This above line of code is an event bind in input tag for on click method.
In this feature is not available in angular > 2.0 greater than version because of here not in a use of the directive structure. So In this feature will implement angular 2 means, we require to know the event and properties binding details.
Properties binding:
[] : - The behind of the symbol to binding a property in HTML element of view page in angular 2.
<input type="text" name="firstname" [ngModel] = "firstName">
Event Binding:
(): - The behind of the sysmbol to binding an event in the included HTML element in angular 2.
<input type="text" name="firstname" [ngModel] = "firstName" (onClick)="changeValue()">
This above line of code is an event bind in input tag for on click method.
Two-Way binding:
The above both bindings are integrated to achieve the two-way data binding in angualar2.
Symbol: [()]
<form #twowayFrm="ngForm">
<span>Two way Data binding</span><br>
<div class="form-control">
<label> User Name</label>
<input type="text" name="lastname" [(ngModel)]="lastName">
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