An angularjs ng-options have iterate the array or object based the number of item available from the component. This item normally we use ng-options for key and value previous example . Now our requirement is need to Group feature from the selection option. Group By - This is the component of group list item or value added from the option label. value.category group by for (key, value) in data The above format is write a (<optgroup>) select option UI <optgroup label="mobile"><option value="0">Moto,MicroMax,HTC,Apple</option></optgroup> HTML <div ng-app="Opt"> <div ng-controller="OptCtrl"> <span>Name :</span> <span> <select ng-options="value.category group by for (key, value) in data" ng-model="yourItem"> <option value="">-- Select Country --</option> </select> <br...