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Showing posts from February, 2014

How to Create List in ColdFusion

How to Create List in ColdFusion Program: <cfset myList="sathiyaraj,raj,mani,kumar"> <br>listitem<br> <cfoutput> List value is #myList# </cfoutput> <br>listlen<br> <cfoutput> List length #listlen(myList)# </cfoutput> <br>listGetAt<br> <cfset MyValue = #trim(listGetAt(myList, 2))#> <cfoutput> List position second value is #MyValue# </cfoutput> <br>listSetAt<br> <cfset myNewList = ListSetAt(myList, 2, "senthil", ",")> <cfoutput> New List value is #myNewList# </cfoutput> <br>listInsertAt<br> <cfset myNewList1 = ListInsertAt(myList, 3, "Kannan", ",")> <cfoutput> New List value is #myNewList1# </cfoutput> <br>ListAppend<br> <cfset myNewList2 = ListAppend(myList, "Sundar")> <cfoutpu...

How to connect database in ColdFusion

How to connect database in ColdFusion Step 1: Open any broswer and enter the following url http://localhost:8500/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm Step 2: Give your ColdFusion admin login password. Step 3: Step 4: Click Data & Service -> Data Source -> right side show data source screen Step 5: Enter your Data Source Name and Driver selection(MySql(4/5), oracle and SQL-server) any one driver seleted and then click add button Step 6: Enter Data base name, server, username, password and Description will enter. Here showing details Step 7: Click Submit button. Now status is ok so connection is established. Following query execute in your database(codeigniter) CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `employee` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL, `name` varchar(30) NOT NULL, `city` varchar(30) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ; INSERT INTO `employee` (`id`, `name`, `city`) VA...

How to create simple project in ClodFusion?

How to create simple project in ClodFusion? Step 1: open folder -> ColdFusion10 -> cfusion -> wwwroot then what is your project name like(MySample..) one folder is created. Step2: Open notepad following code paste it <cfoutput> Welcome to ColdFusion </cfoutput> after save the file is index.cfm from your project folder. Step 3: Now run the following url http://localhost:8500/myproject /

How start ClodFusion 10 Server

How start ClodFusion 10 Server Step 1: open folder -> ColdFusion10 -> cfusion ->bin -> cfstart (window batch file) Step2: Paste the following url in any browser http://localhost:8500/ Step3: Now successfully start ClodFusion server